HNAF 2016

During the Hamtramck Neighborhood Arts Festival in the alley behind our house I created an installation titled “Enter the void where prohibited.”. I drew a ritualistic sigil in manifestation chalk* in the middle of the alley, placed a circular rug above it, then placed energetic idols atop it. *Manifestation chalk is a pyramid shaped chalk mixed with gold glitter that I created to assist in manifestation rituals. A friend collaborated by decorating the stage. I then drew simple drawings on paper and linked them with an augmented reality app I found titled “Aurasma”. This allowed when in the app, a quick scan of a simple drawing that would then load a dimensional video overlay following the viewers movement. I shot, performed, and edited these videos(with some help from google maps). The soundtrack is the energy of the alley. Hamtramck alleyways are through my walking and discovering, magical tributaries where unique items find you. The installation was very popular.